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WUKO Disc-O-Bender 4000

(Code: WK-4000)
For bending long, straight sheet metal strips from 90° to 180° (hem).
  1. Bending height 8mm - 40mm

    • For bending long, straight sheet metal strips from 90° to 180° (hem).
    • Useful for creating hems on rake or eaves edge that extend past the size of a brake.
    • No adjustments – metal will slide between spacing up to 40mm and turn a hem with downward pressure.
    • Clean and precise result.
    • No damage to painted or coated material.
    • For endless bending - no maximum limit to length of panel this tool will hem.

    The Wuko Disc-O-Bender is very easy to handle and thus the ideal supplement to the Wuko Duo Bender.

    How it's done
    Simply place the Wuko Disc-O-Bender on the right angle bend. Using forward and backward movements, bend down the leg.
    • Maximum thickness: 0.8mm (for all common materials)
    • Maximum bending height: 40mm (depending on material)
    • Minimum bending height: 8mm (depending on material)
    • Weight: 2.72kg