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WUKO Lock'n'Roller 1040

(Code: WK-1040)
For closing the single-lock standing seam.
  1. For closing the single lock standing seam.

    • Closes the profile in both directions.
    • Useful on curves and walls.
    • Clever system of eccentric lever with disc springs.
    • Adjustment of the pressure if necessary > clean and precise result regardless of material.
    • Simple removal of the tool from seam by relieving pressure – at any time and without scratching.
    • Ergonomic handholds above and on both sides of the tool.
    • Stainless steel forming rollers.
    • Rope-tying device included.
    • Carry case included.

    How it’s done
    First, close a short piece of seam e.g. with pliers. Then place the Wuko Lock’n’Roller on the seam, adjust to seam width, and fix with wing screws. Move the Wuko Lock’n’Roller forward (using handholds, handle bars or rope). If necessary, increase or reduce contact pressure with the eccentric lever. Removing the Wuko Lock’n’Roller from the seam: Drive out at the end of the seamat any time by opening the eccentric lever (relieving of pressure) and loosening the wing screws.
    • Galvanized steel capacity: 0.65mm
    • Aluminium, copper, zinc capacity: 0.80mm
    • Stainless steel capacity: 0.50mm
    • Width of the profile: 12–15mm
    • Tool length: 270mm
    • Weight: 2.9kg